Online Cash Advance Loans

By Lucas Roberts

We're going to go through, in this article, what the application for a cash advance loan entails, the sort of situation in which you can usefully use a loan of this sort and also the expense that is involved in terms of interest rates. So by the end of the article you should know everything you need to in order to decide whether it one is going to be good for you.

How to Apply for Cash Advances

The online application for a cash advance is extremely simple. With lots of loans you are going to be asked many different questions and the whole process can take a long time. With a short term loan though the only important point are going to be about how much you get paid and when.

It's important that you get paid every month if you are going to qualify for a short term loan like this. That's because they are designed to last for about a month, that is how the lender will have determined how much money they are going to be willing to lend and what the interest rates are. So you are going to have to make enough in a month to be able to cover the loan plus the interest rates.

Something that a lot of people are concerned about when they go for a loan is whether they are going to have a good enough credit rating to be able to get the loan. That's not something that you're going to have to worry about with loans of this sort though because a credit check is not performed. The reason being that short term lenders don't have to worry about whether you're going to be able to keep up with a number of different repayments, you only have to make one repayment.


It's not just the application process that is a lot different for a cash advance than it is for a long term loan, the way that you use the money is going to be very different as well. A long term loan is usually used for some kind of expensive luxury item it would normally take a long time to save up for. That clearly isn't possible with a short term loan though.

In fact short term loans tend to be used for the opposite sort of thing as a long term loan will be. While long term loans tend to be used for expensive luxury items, a short term loan will be used for relatively inexpensive emergencies. After all if it's not an emergency then you won't need the money before you're next paid.

The kinds of situations in which you can use these short term loans then are going to be any time that you need some money urgently for something important. This covers everything from running out of cash on holiday to needing to get car repairs done so that you can get to work the next day. There are really no limits on what the situation could be though.

Interest Rates

When you are looking at the interest rates on cash advances, you have to be careful and make sure that you are looking at the actual rates and not the APR (annual percentage rate). People get confused about how expensive these loans are by looking at the APR, which after all is only telling you how much you'll be charged if you pay back a month-long loan after a year.

In terms of how much you are actually going to pay in interest, that is likely to be in the vicinity of 25%. You might be thinking that even that is a lot for a single month, but you can also consider that this is the total amount of interest charged. And it is less than gets charged with long term loans overall usually, as over the term of a long term loan they often charge around 50-100%. So really these short term loans are not as expensive as they seem.

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How Payday Loans Work

By Socrates De Souza

Eventually there will come a time when you're in desperate need of money. When all your other options are exhausted the next place to go may be a payday loan service. It's quite easy to do and you won't have to go through an excruciating credit check the majority of the time. However, it's important to understand that a payday loan doesn't always cover your entire check. There are even occurrences where you won't be able to get one.

There are things to consider when you get a payday loan, and one of them is meeting various conditions like having a paycheck. If you really want to use a payday loan then you need to make a certain amount of money. Most of the institutes out there require you to make at least $100. If not then you won't be able to get your loan. Then of course if you receive $300 on your next paycheck you will qualify for $100.

So just remember that the more money you make the more you can receive. While this all sounds great there will still be a verification process, and you will only have a certain amount of time to pay it back. This will depend on how often you receive your paychecks and the leniency of the company.

If by chance you skip out on your payday loan then there will be a long list of fees that come forth. Then of course if you refuse to pay this it will be sent to a collection agency, which can be good or bad.

In many collection agencies you may be given the option to settle your loan for a lower price than it originally was. If you cannot, then you will have to pay off the full amount either immediately or in installments. If you do manage to pay off your payday loan initially and to the same institution that loaned you the money, then you will probably be more than welcome to continue borrowing from them in the future.

That being said, the payday loan is a great idea. It will keep you from running low on cash, helping you to take care of those bills right now instead of later. When you visit one of these loan agencies you will need to make sure you bring at least two forms of ID, your social security number, and pay stubs from your employer. Once you have these you will be set to start receiving money that you can pay back from your next check!

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